Tuesday, July 16, 2024

After rain on and off all day we were lucky to be able to sit outside and enjoy the hot diggity dogs and beans.  And when the winds calmed down we had a bonfire and marshmallows.  It was a perfect day and night to enjoy the company of other residents and have a sing-a-long around the fire.  

Forty-five (45) tickets were purchased for a total sales of $225.00 plus a $5 donation.

Our expenses for wieners, spoons, plates, bowls, buns, cheese, onions, butter amounted to:  $83.

We will be donating the profit of $147. to the Georgetown Bread Basket.  

Much thanks to Sandi Proach & Ken Sproule for donating the beans and napkins.  And to Julie Lange for collecting the money and being the bouncer for those who unfortunately we had to turn away. 

Ken Sproule & Sandi Proach

I couldn't have done it without them.

Julie Lange

Thanks so much Julie for collecting the money.

In the morning of the event I received an email from our Property Manager offering to make dessert for everyone.  This she did after working a day in the office.  We are so lucky to have someone who cares about us as much as Jean.