Hello Gallery Fitness Fanatics,On February 6th, 2025 the Glen Fitness Studio will have been working with The Gallery residents for 2 wonderful years. I hope that you feel stronger, more agile, flexible and mobile. That is the plan. Our last session for this current season is Friday December 20th........... Gloria, better start your poem writing. The last one will be hard to beat!For our new session, I would like to propose a start up of Monday January 6th, ending Monday March 31st. At that time you will know your summer schedule better and together will decide if we plan for April and May and possibly June?Please sign up below (on bulletin board) to indicate interest, and I will confirm costing when we have an accurate count. Also, if you are interested in personal training over the holidays, justs chat with me.You are always welcome to call me with comments, suggestions etc.647 525 6839Cheers,Barb